Hi folks,
It's been a while but I'm finally emerging from blog hibernation with some lovely exciting new things to tempt you.
The last few months have been a time of reflection and contemplation, and some enforced rest due to the awful weather we've had here in the North East of England! This has given me a little chance to take time out for 'me' and figure out what's next in soap land. That's the thing with working for yourself, there are no rights or wrongs on how and when you work, this is great for flexibility and scope to work however I want, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it can lead to a lack of direction or focus for me, and this is what happened earlier this year. With no clear plan, I was floundering a little. It took me a while but I got there in the end. I have some longer term plans which will unfurl throughout the year, but for now...I have some new things to tell you about.

Spring (now it's finally here) represents new beginnings for me, and after much deliberation and procrastination I've devised a little new capsule collection of products which will be listed very soon over on the website. I've been formulating with some wonderful natural ingredients which are incredibly beneficial to the skin, my top faves being Himalayan pink salt, and Epson salt. They both possess incredible benefits to the skin and the whole system when used in the bath as a soothing soak or as an exfoliating scrub. Read more about the amazing properties of salt baths here on the Naturally Living Ideas blog or check out the quick reference guide to the right.
You'll find Himalayan Pink salt and Epsom salt in our NEW Limited edition Botanical Himalayan Salt Baths. Simply toss a handful of salts, fragrant with pure essential oils and botanicals into your bath and lie back for 20 minutes. Emerge feeling refreshed, relaxed, revived and renewed - all the 'R's :)
Our new Salt Scrubs can be used in the shower or bath, scrubbed over arms and legs, to slough off dead skin and moisturise you from top to toe with skin loving coconut oil, revealing a fresh new glowing you.

Do you love natural skincare too? I do. I believe we can find everything we need to care for our bodies in nature, and this includes our skin. I've been playing with some lovely pure, plant based ingredients and essential oils over the last few months to come up with a simple skincare plan. On the cards are some lovely gentle oatmeal and lavender scrubs, botanical steams, and gentle cleansing oils to compliment our natural clay masks and cleansing bars. I've used our own organically grown botanicals as ground exfoliants, in oil infusions and as whole flowers to create a really pretty little collection, I've been using these myself over the last few weeks and I am delighted with how they are performing. My skin is softer, more hydrated and brighter as a result, hopefully you will see the benefits too, if you try them out.

I've long been a fan of skin brushing too, not heard of this...check it our here on the Wellness Mama blog. Apart from superb for exfoliation, it helps the body detox and prevents dry patches, spots and skin congestion of the skin amongst many other things. I'm delighted to have become a stockist of a range of high quality, sustainable and eco-certified bathing accessories, brushes, pumice and bamboo facial cloths from Hydrea London to compliment my handmade products. and help you get your skin in tip top condition, naturally.
I hope you are enjoying the new beginnings of Spring, and can find a few minutes each day to rest and recharge, watch the birds, observe the fresh green shoots emerging and generally enjoy being present in the now. Time out for you is never wasted.
Shop the new 'Collections' department
That's about it for now, feel free to follow my blog, Instagram and new Facebook Group to stay up to date with all the NEW goodies in the pipeline this year. Fancy signing up to my newsletter too, for special offers and exclusives? You can do this here. - Newsletter Signup..
Ceri xx